Agents of Dystopia with Donnie Vincent — WildFed Podcast #170
Well, it was bound to happen eventually. But we'll admit, we weren't expecting it to be in this interview. Our guest today is hunter, conservationist, naturalist and filmmaker Donnie Vincent. Someone Daniel was tremendously inspired by — and still is today — when he first set out to get involved in hunting and outdoor media. Donnie is an iconoclast, standing out amongst successful hunting personalities in the way he hunts, looks, speaks, and for his uniquely thoughtful and artistic approach to outdoor media. Daniel and Donnie have podcasted together a few times now, and they've always found an easy synergy in their conversations, but this time things went in a direction Daniel simply wasn’t expecting. We've never given a trigger warning on our shows before, but we feel compelled to give one today. This conversation will be the cause for celebration for some and outrage for others. If you find yourself in the latter category, we hope you’ll, out of respect for both Daniel and Donnie, give their words a fair chance. It’s far too common and easy today to disregard people you don’t agree with, without giving their arguments a fair chance. Donnie and Daniel, it seems, both see a dystopia unfolding in front of us, and its implications for the future of what we do as hunters and foragers are hard to ignore. Not to mention its impact on our personal liberties and basic freedoms. That said, it was refreshing for Daniel to be honest and forthright about topics he's danced around for years, since it’s felt rather stifling for him to remain silent. But he did because these things weren’t really part of the brand or the focus of this podcast. It’s ironic then, that as we approach the final episodes of this show, that it would come up in this way. So, in this interview, Daniel and Donnie will be talking at length about things that you’re not really supposed to talk about publicly. We suspect many of you will feel similarly, but of course, some of you will feel very differently. If you disagree, we do hope that — in the spirit of dialectic — you’ll support their inherent right to have this conversation. And understand how challenging it’s been to feel like they haven’t been able to for years. So, when Daniel promised last week that this week's guest would express some really different ideas than last week's, now you’ll see what he meant. Here goes… This is Daniel's most recent conversation with Donnie Vincent. View full show notes, including links to resources from this episode here: https://www.wild-fed.com/podcast/170
From "WildFed Podcast — Hunt Fish Forage Food"
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