WildFed Podcast — Hunt Fish Forage Food
Hosted by Daniel Vitalis, The WildFed Podcast is about deepening your connection with the natural world through hunting, fishing, foraging, and, of course, food. It’s about the wild food that’s freely available on your landscape, at the edges of your town or city, and sometimes just outside your door. The podcast consists of interviews with biologists, authors, wildlife managers, foragers, hunters, anglers, chefs, friends, and plenty of educational and inspirational solo shows too. WildFed — Food Is All Around You.
Show episodes

Conclusions, The Final Episode with Daniel Vitalis & Grant Guiliano — WildFed Podcast #174
It's the final episode of The WildFed Podcast, and Daniel and our show producer Grant Guiliano get together to reflect on the last few years of podcasting together, tie a bow on some of the recurring themes we've discussed on the show, as well as look to the future of WildFed. They chat about the value in reconnecting
Well, it’s finally here. The last interview of the WildFed Podcast. We'll be back next week with our producer Grant to do a final wrap-up, but as far as guest appearances go, who better to take us out than Dan Flores, and on what better topic than his new book, Wild New World. The book is incredible, even, dare we say,
A.J. DeRosa is the founder of Project Upland — a multi-media operation that produces, in addition to video and web-based content, a quarterly, subscription-based premium print magazine. He’s also the author of the deer hunting cult-classic, The Urban Deer Complex. An accomplished hunter, rabid conservationist, and succ
If anyone in America is deserving of the illustrious title of HogFather, it's Jesse Griffiths. He’s a hunter, fisherman, cook and co-owner of Dai Due Butcher Shop & Supper Club and New School of Traditional Cookery in Austin Texas. He’s also the author of the Afield, A Chef's Guide To Preparing and Cooking Wild Game an
Well, it was bound to happen eventually. But we'll admit, we weren't expecting it to be in this interview. Our guest today is hunter, conservationist, naturalist and filmmaker Donnie Vincent. Someone Daniel was tremendously inspired by — and still is today — when he first set out to get involved in hunting and outdoor
Our guest today is Andrew Zimmern, who you may know from the long-running cable TV series Bizarre Foods or most recently on Outdoor Channel, Andrew Zimmern’s Wild Game Kitchen (which you can watch free on outdoorchannel.com). Daniel has been a fan of Andrew's shows for a lot of years. In fact, they were some of his ear