Nathaniel Whittemore & Michael Krieger , The Breakdown

Against Outrage Culture: Why Michael Krieger Ended Liberty Blitzkrieg

11 Jul 2020 • 77 min • EN
77 min
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Today on the Brief: Hong Kong re-closes schools based on COVID-19 growth Coinbase explores direct U.S. exchange listing China starts selling stock, easing massive rally  Our main conversation is with Liberty Blitzkrieg creator and editor Michael Krieger. Michael announced just before recording that he is done publishing on the LB site. He and NLW discuss: How Michael became disaffected while working on Wall Street during the Great Financial Crisis How Zero Hedge amplified Liberty Blitzkrieg and sent Michael on a decade-long writing path How Michael discovered bitcoin and the bitcoin community in 2012 Why social media platforms need to be regulated with the principles of the First Amendment  How all political parties use division to stay in power  How outrage culture has become endemic, commodified and co-opted by existing power  Why the only option to fight outrage culture is to opt out Find our guest online:Website: Twitter: @LibertyBlitz

From "The Breakdown"

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