Tracy Otsuka & Grace Esan , ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka

EP. 173: The Difficulty of Diagnosing ADHD in Women and Girls with Dr. Grace Esan

27 Apr 2022 • 52 min • EN
52 min
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Dr. Grace Esan, now a pediatrician in Indiana, grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, where it was the cultural norm to show up to parties and events fashionably late. It wasn’t until she moved to the United States, where time is taken much more seriously, that she realized she had difficulty with time management and procrastination that extended beyond cultural differences. Once Dr. Grace connected these traits to ADHD she also realized that ADHD was also responsible for her unique way of seeing the world.   Since her diagnosis, Dr. Grace has been on a mission to create awareness around ADHD and destigmatize the diagnosis within the medical community, particularly for girls and women, who are often overlooked. Join me for a conversation with this wonderful doctor as she shares her diagnosis story, the workarounds she used to get through school, how she challenges the status quo in medicine, and so much more.  References Instagram: @thrivewithdrgrace Website: Send a Message: Name | Email Address | Your Message Hello, my brilliant friends! I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Blends, my daily ten-minute audio mix of coaching, mindfulness, affirmations, and more, designed to create positive emotions and regulate our ADHD brains. It's a labor of love, and you can get a whole year of Blends for just $47 at 

From "ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka"

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