Tracy Otsuka & Diann Wingert , ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka

EP. 66: Change Your ADHD Life by Changing Your Thoughts

08 Apr 2020 • 38 min • EN
38 min
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Join Tracy in Episode #66 where she talks about the coronavirus, why the ADHD brain struggles so much with uncertainty, and how the only thing that we have control over is our thoughts. Discover: What Mister Rogers taught journalist Tom Junod, why anything that is mentionable is manageable, how panic comes from uncertainty and trying to control what we can’t control whether we’re talking about a pandemic or anything else, what you really fear when you’re feeling uncertainty, why worrying has nothing to do with being prepared, why the journey is so important, the importance of our thoughts, what dictates our feelings/emotions, what fear really is, how the ADHD brain is motivated, the formula that involves our thoughts, feelings/emotions, actions and results, how to control your thoughts, what mindfulness is, how mindfulness helps ADHD, who connected mindfulness with brain science, ADDitudeMag’s mindfulness acronym STOP, Tracy’s list of 100 experiences, and observations that generate positive emotion and wouldn’t have come about but for the coronavirus. ______________ Resources:ADDitude’s FREE Mindfulness and Other Natural Treatments eBookPodcast #53: Neuroplasticity, Mindfulness, Meditation and ADHDPodcast #50: Meditation That Even You Can Do with ADHD Life Coach Diann Wingert Send a Message: Your Name | Email | Message Learn more by connecting with Tracy through Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or visit Are You Ready to Discover Your Brilliance? Order Now: Join Your ADHD Brain is A-OK: Visit our website: Join our community of ADHD For Smart Ass Women: Join What Do I Do With My Life Masterclass: Unlock your best days with Blends:

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