A beginner's guide to starting and growing a newsletter

05 Mar 2025 • 57 min • EN
57 min
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How to set a newsletter up and get your first 100 subscribers. My free Clients From Content: 1-Page Masterclass: https://fortheinterested.com/subscribe-yt/ Things you'll learn in this episode: 04:00: The first big decision to make when you build an email list 08:00: 5 things to consider when choosing an email service provider 17:00: Why you don't need to be intimidated by the technical process of setting up a newsletter 24:00: How to handle email addresses you collected before you had an email list 28:00: How to get your first 100 newsletter subscribers 36:00: 5 places to promote your newsletter that take less than 10 minutes to set up 39:00: The real reason you should write a newsletter 45:00: 6 reasons people will share your newsletter 49:00: How to turn one newsletter issue into 20 issues Show Notes: The newsletter platform I recommend: https://partners.kit.com/56sny9q27uaq To Connect with Mark Wigginton:  Website: https://focusingonresults.com/  Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/focusingonresults/  To connect with Josh Spector: Newsletter: https://fortheinterested.com/subscribe/  Skill Sessions: https://joshspector.com/sessions/ Consulting: https://joshspector.com/consulting/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jspector Apply to be a guest on the show: https://joshspector.com/questions/ Intro Music Provided By Uppbeat

From "Clients from Content"

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