#96: Anti-Science Views with Aviva Philipp-Muller

06 May 2024 • 58 min • EN
58 min
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Aviva Philipp-Muller studies why people might pass on science. She’s an Assistant Professor of marketing at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. We talked about her research on people’s openness to science in consumer products and how they’re marketed. She also shared her perspective on how anti-science views are an issue of persuasion. Things that come up in this episode:The public science lecture circuit in 19th-century America (Finnegan, 2016; 2021)The use of science in advertising consumer products (Philipp-Muller et al., 2023)Why people are anti-science and what we can do about it (Philipp-Muller et al., 2022)Aviva’s YouTube ChannelThe “Nights with Science” ad from 1863: https://www.ohiohistory.org/science-lectures/ For a transcript of this episode, visit this episode"s page at: http://opinionsciencepodcast.com/episodes/ Learn more about Opinion Science at http://opinionsciencepodcast.com/ and follow @OpinionSciPod on Twitter.

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