(303) Sanita Pukite: Build Resilience as a Leader 🔥Limited Spaces available for Elite Entrepreneur: https://elite-entrepreneur.scoreapp.com/ Sanita Pukite is a leadership expert In this episode, we explore: - The multiple levels of resilience and perseverance - Practical insights on how to build resilience - 2 ways to deal with the fear of rejection - The link between resilience and success - Correlation between well-being and perseverance And so much more! VIDEO OF THE EPISODE: 🎬 YouTube Video: WATCH NEXT: 🎬 Video 1: The Three Levels of Leadership 🎬 Video 2: Transformational Leadership 🎬 Video 3: From High Achiever To High Performer ABOUT SANITA: Sanita is the founder of & Across & Beyond, leadership coach & consultant. She believes that we are shaped by our stories and to change and advance, we need to change the narratives we tell ourselves and share with the world. LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanitapukite/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sanitapukite_beyond/ LET’S CONNECT: ✨BIO LINK: https://bio.link/katiestoddart 📖 BOOK: The Magic of Focus 🎤 PODCAST: https://thefocusbeeshow.buzzsprout.com/ 🌟 LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiestoddart 📝 BLOG: https://thefocusbee.substack.com 💫 Hi, I’m Katie – engineer turned entrepreneur and founder of The Focus Bee. I am an award-winning, international, high-performance coach, trainer and speaker. now support high achievers (entrepreneurs, founders, executives, and leaders) to breakthrough stagnation and thrive in their life & business. 🔥My mission is to empower people to lead their lives with Alignment & Purpose & Joy.
From "The Focus Bee Show"
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