3 Ways To Fight The Global Food Crisis | Joel Salatin | Align Podcast #536

27 Mar 2025 • 62 min • EN
62 min
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Joel Salatin, an American farmer, author, and lecturer, is on a quest to fix our broken food system. In this episode of the Align podcast, Joel joins us to explore the collapse of industrial agriculture and how we can take back control of our food and health. From regenerative farming to cooking at home, he explains three key actions anyone can take today to achieve food freedom. OUR GUEST Joel Salatin and his family operate Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, producing salad bar beef, pigaerator pork, pastured poultry and forestry products. Chemical-free since coming to the property in 1961, the family pastures livestock and hosts some 15,000 visitors per year. Author of 16 books, Joel is editor of the world’s leading pastured livestock trade journal, The Stockman Grass Farmer, and writes columns in numerous print and electronic publications. He travels the world promoting chemical-free agriculture, food freedom, and profitable farming businesses. His blog is Musings from the Lunatic Farmer and podcast is Beyond Labels. Polyface has a formal stewardship and apprenticeship program to germinate young farmers. JOEL SALATIN 🌎 WEBSITE ▶ https://www.polyfacefarms.com AARON ALEXANDER 📸 IG ▶ https://www.instagram.com/aaronalexander/ 🤳 TIKTOK ▶ https://www.tiktok.com/@alignmethod 👉 SUBSCRIBE ▶ https://www.youtube.com/@AlignPodcast?sub_confirmation=1 🌐 WEBSITE ▶ https://www.alignpodcast.com ABOUT Aaron Alexander is a pioneering manual therapist and movement coach with over 5 years experience. He is the founder and creator of The Align Method, author of The Align Method book, and host of The Align Podcast which has ranked #1 in Nutrition on Apple Podcasts. Aaron has worked with some of the world’s greatest professional athletes, performers, and celebrities to help relieve pain, improve strength, better flexibility, and ease the mind and body. On this channel, Aaron interviews renowned experts in a range of fields focused on improving the mind and body. This mind and body podcast will teach you all that you need to know to become the healthiest version of yourself by integrating simplified ancient techniques and the foundational principles of The Align Method to strengthen your body, balance the mind, and activate healing systems in daily life. The mission? To be the best personal growth podcast about healthy habits, redefine functional movement, and make fitness who you are; not what you do. TOPICS 1. Regenerative agriculture 2. Sustainable farming 3. Healthy cooking advice 4. Broken food system 5. Climate change SPONSORS Go to bioptimizers.com/align and use the coupon code ALIGN10 to get 10% off your order. - Visit oneskin.co/ALIGN and use code ALIGN for 15% off your first purchase. - Get 10% off on your order. Go to LEELAQ.COM/ALIGN

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