#253 Fergal Guihen (Rossie_to_Aussie): Cycling 23000km from Roscommon to Australia
This week on the Any Given Runday podcast we are joined by Fergal Guihen (@Rossie_to_Aussie on Instagram), who is 11 months into a 23,000-kilometre cycling journey from Roscommon to the Sydney Opera House, Australia, raising over €50,000 so far for Northwest Stop Suicide Prevention and Mayo Roscommon Hospice. From overcoming a torn ACL 6 months before taking off to pedalling through the Alps, sandstorms, desert heat and the Tibetan Plateau with temperatures reaching as low as minus 22 degrees! Fergal shares captivating stories of endurance, cultural encounters, bike mishaps and acts of kindness. 13:34 Meet Fergal Guihen 15:17 From GAA to Endurance Sports 18:46 The Turning Point: Injury and Determination 23:50 Setting Off: The First Steps of the Journey 27:42 Survival and Equipment Essentials 31:41 Cultural Experiences and Unexpected Kindness 42:17 Navigating Borders and Facing Fears 44:32 A Harrowing Encounter in Iran 48:01 Experiences in Afghanistan 39:21 Family Concerns and Support 50:58 Mental and Physical Challenges 56:59 Coping with Loss and Continuing the Journey 58:45 The Toughest Leg: China 64:16 Planning the Route to Australia You can follow Fergal"s journey on his incredible Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/rossie_to_aussie/ As well as donate towards his charities: https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/Rossie-to-Aussie You can follow us on Instagram: @anygivenrundaypodcast This episode is sponsored by ULTRAPURE Laboratories. Ask for the ULTRAPURE Laboratories Muscle Recovery range in your local Pharmacy or Health Store. Their ULTRAPURE Wintergreen Heat Rub is great for winter training on cold and wet days! You can also check out their muscle recovery range through their website: Ultrapurelabs.ie You can now get 25% off all Perform Nutrition products using the code 'AGR' at checkout PerformNutrition.com
From "Any Given Runday"
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