2164: Predicting Social Turmoil- Peter Turchin on Cliodynamics and America's Future Part 1
Jason discusses history and it's complexities with complexity scientist guest Peter Turchin. Jason also updates listeners on recent events, including a collective mastermind in Orlando and an upcoming talk at the Rebel Capitalist event. He promotes the Empowered Investor Pro membership, highlighting its benefits and exclusive monthly Zoom meetings, featuring guest Tom Wheelwright discussing tax-free wealth. Hartman shares a property investment opportunity in Huntsville, Alabama, emphasizing its potential for high returns through income, depreciation, equity growth, and leverage. He encourages listeners to use the free Property Tracker software https://www.propertytracker.com for investment analysis. Join the monthly Zoom meeting via https://www.jasonhartman.com/wednesday. Jason then welcomes Peter Turchin, a complexity scientist specializing in cliodynamics, accurately predicted in 2010 that the US would face social disintegration around 2020. Cliodynamics combines cultural evolution, economic history, and mathematical modeling to analyze historical processes and predict future trends. Turchin's models identified elite overproduction—too many elites vying for limited power—as a key factor in societal breakdowns. The resulting competition among elites destabilizes political systems, leading to increased social unrest. Turchin's insights into the dynamics of wealth and power in societies provide a scientific approach to understanding and potentially mitigating future crises. https://peterturchin.com/ #PeterTurchin #Cliodynamics #ComplexityScience #SocialDisintegration #EliteOverproduction #HistoricalTrends #PoliticalInstability #MathematicalModeling #CulturalEvolution #WealthInequality Key Takeaways: Jason's editorial 1:19 Join our FREE Empowered Investor Pro monthly Zoom meeting 3:02 Amazing Hunstville property proforma that's IDEAL Peter Turchin's interview part 1 7:52 Introducing Peter and Cliodynamics 11:49 2010 Analysis of historical data 13:48 Elite overproduction: 4 different powers and America and plutocracy 18:29 Where do we go from here 21:45 Why having many wealthy people is bad for society Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Twitter.com/JasonHartmanROI Instagram.com/jasonhartman1/ Linkedin.com/in/jasonhartmaninvestor/ Call our Investment Counselors at: 1-800-HARTMAN (US) or visit: https://www.jasonhartman.com/ Free Class: Easily get up to $250,000 in funding for real estate, business or anything else: http://JasonHartman.com/Fund CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: http://JasonHartman.com/Protect Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free Course: https://www.jasonhartman.com/deals Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: https://JasonHartman.com/Ron Free Mini-Book on Pandemic Investing: https://www.PandemicInvesting.com
From "Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing with Jason Hartman"
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