153 - Finding & Keeping Gen Z Talent - Anthony Onesto
We often take digs at Gen Z'ers, but the reality is that they're the future workforce in our businesses. How real are the differences between Gen Z employees and Millennials? Is it a cultural talking point just to create conversation or a real observable pattern of differences? In this episode, Anthony Onesto (www.AnthonyOnesto.com), Chief People Officer at Suzy, a consumer insights research platform and author of The New Employee Contract - How to Find, Keep and Elevate Gen Z Talent (https://www.amazon.com/New-Employee-Contract-Elevate-Talent/dp/1484280539/), teaches us how to find and retain Gen Z talent. Anthony teaches why is it important to think about how to find and keep Gen Z team members, the unique traits or differences of Gen Z relative to Millennials, how the employee contract has to be redefined, and some of the things we need to think about doing differently when it comes to attracting and retaining Gen Z team members. Listen to the show on Apple podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/win-win-an-entrepreneurial-community/id1465488607), wherever you normally get your podcasts, or listen on the web at https://winwin.cast.rocks/.
From "Win Win - An Entrepreneurial Community"
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