151 - Pulse on Your Prospects - Angela Pointon
It could be you're spending time and money on content marketing, blog posts, social media, or videos that don't work because you're out of touch with what your target customers or clients are actually interested in. Our guest today is Angela Pointon, the President and CEO of the 11 Out of 11 (www.11outof11.com) marketing agency, and author of Stop Blending In: The 7 Steps for Achieving Thought-Leader Status and Standing Out in Your Field (https://www.amazon.com/Stop-Blending-Achieving-Thought-Leader-Standing/dp/1695470060/). In this episode Angela teaches how people who do content marketing successfully take their customers' pulse and use that knowledge to create an effective content marketing campaign. She also teaches how to approach content marketing when you're in a relatively niche field where your potential customers or clients often aren't even aware that your solution or product exists, so they don't know to search for it. What do you do then?? Listen to the show on Apple podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/win-win-an-entrepreneurial-community/id1465488607), wherever you normally get your podcasts, or listen on the web at https://winwin.cast.rocks/.
From "Win Win - An Entrepreneurial Community"
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