114: How Steve Used Man Flow Yoga to Recover from Cervical Radiculopathy At 65
Plenty of men turn to yoga when the aging process catches up with them and causes a world of pain. Today’s guest, Steve G., a 67-year-old Man Flow Yoga Member is no different. A few years ago, Steve noticed a pain radiating from his neck into shoulders that he described as oppressively bad. And during his evaluation, his X-rays showed that he had been dealing with an advanced version of osteoarthritis in his C spine (the top seven vertebrae in the spine, located in the neck and connecting to the thoracic spine). Since Steve’s been lifting weights since his 40s, he thought that it was the beginning of the end. The aging process had finally caught up with him. Father Time is undefeated after all. But that’s where Steve’s story takes an interesting turn… After his diagnosis, he scheduled a massage with his massage therapist, who also happened to be a yoga instructor. So Steve asked him if yoga could help, and his massage therapist gave an enthusiastic yes. Shortly after, Steve found Man Flow Yoga and started following the Strength Foundations Challenge. And you know what? His massage therapist was shocked by how much Steve’s condition improved the next time they saw each other (which was only two months later)! Since eliminating his pain, Steve’s been consistently following Man Flow Yoga programs. He’s added weight lifting back into the mix too. And today, Steve’s stronger, more flexible, and in less pain at 67 than he was two years ago. In this episode, Steve shares… How adding yoga to your weight lifting routine protects you from injuries (especially after you hit your 60s) Steve’s “obvious” way of tracking his progress in his yoga workouts that keeps him consistent How to know when to ask for help (and how to be okay with asking for help) And more! Other highlights from this show include: How Steve got blindsided by advanced osteoarthritis in his neck (without showing any symptoms) (2:20) The story about how Steve, after being diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy, shocked his yogi massage therapist after completing the Strength Foundations Challenge (6:14) The best way to avoid weightlifting injuries (18:35) Why repeating tough Man Flow Yoga workouts demonstrates how much progress you’ve made (20:09) How to unlock a deep sense of energetic, focused calm that makes you more productive and fulfilled (21:57) Why simply having fun when working out is the best way to become more consistent (32:07) Listen now! Quotes from this episode’s guest: (2:28) I had plain X-rays of my cervical spine, which to my great surprise, showed pretty advanced osteoarthritis in my C spine, which I've had no symptoms from, and it was very worrisome to me because I was 65 at the time, and I'm thinking, “wow, this is like the beginning of the end.” (5:10) Having a program to follow is like having a personal trainer. (9:29) My muscular awareness now is so much better. Just going back to deadlifts, I really understand how to engage the muscles and how to really push into the floor through my feet. (37:50) I just love being a part of this community, Dean. I've just gotten so much out of your program. It's become such a positive habit. I stumbled upon it, nobody had recommended it. And I'm just a huge supporter and really super grateful I found Man Flow Yoga. Other important links: Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here: https://shrtlnk.co/pTVc7 Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting https://shrtlnk.co/kP8M7
From "The Better Man Podcast"
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