Dan Harris & Jessica Nordell , 10% Happier with Dan Harris

Ways to End Bias That Will Also Make You Happier | Jessica Nordell

10 Jan 2022 • 60 min • EN
60 min
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Jessica Nordell is a science and culture journalist who has written for the Atlantic and the New York Times. She earned a B.A. in physics from Harvard and an M.F.A. in poetry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her new book is called The End of Bias, A Beginning: The Science and Practice of Overcoming Unconscious Bias.  This episode explores: why humans evolved to have biases; what happens physiologically when biases are challenged; why some of the most popular personal and institutional strategies for confronting biases do not work; the role mindfulness and loving kindness meditation can play in reducing bias; and the power of studying history. This episode is part one of a weeklong series the TPH podcast is doing about bias. Part two features Bob Wright, author of Why Buddhism is True, who has done some interesting work to challenge his own tribal instincts. Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/jessica-nordell-410

From "10% Happier with Dan Harris"

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