Bradford McArthur's Interviews
Julius is the editor of American Affairs Journal and contributing author to many fine papers at the publication. It was founded to provide a forum for people who believe that the conventional partisan platforms are no longer relevant to the most pressing challenges facing our country. If you’ve enjoyed his discussion h
Her work took her all over as she spread the message that our system is no safer since the GFC and if we want capitalism to prosper, we need to take a long hard look at not just the rules and regulations we create, but the value system we all operate within.
Is Capitalism Sustainable with Michael Munger - Ep. 048
In this episode, we dive into why capitalism is not sustainable and how we can think and approach solutions to avoid its natural tendency towards cronyism.
One Civilization to Rule Them All - with Robin Hanson - Ep. 046
Robin Hanson is an Associate Professor at George Mason University and write about all manners of economics, A.I., systems thinking and even aliens. Lyn Alden on the Petro-Dollar: Keith Dicker explains why the US Dollar is King: Jim Rogers on the Rise of China: h
Radicalization Creates Radicalization with Eric Kaufmann - Ep. 043
Eric Kaufmann is a Professor of Politics at the University of London where he helps walk us through how we got here and where we might be headed. Lyn Alden on the Petro-Dollar: Keith Dicker explains why the US Dollar is King: Jim Rogers on the Rise of China: htt
Don’t Raise Your IQ & Listen to Elites More With Garett Jones - Ep. 042
Garett Jones joins us to discuss why it's better to surround yourself with smart people than trying to become one. He also turns us towards his book 10% Less Democracy: Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less. He ends with some suggestions on how to move forward and govern ourselves a lit
Podcast with Bradford McArthur
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