Amy Barrett

Amy Barrett

23 Interviews

Amy Barrett's Interviews

Amy Barrett & Julia Shaw 17 Oct 2021 • EN

Psychology of evil, with Dr Julia Shaw

Criminal psychologist Dr Julia Shaw tells us how false memories can sway a trial and whether evil truly exists. Once you’ve mastered the basics with Instant Genius, dive deeper with Instant Genius Extra, where you’ll find longer, richer discussions about the most exciting ideas in the world of science and technology. O

37 min
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Many of us have had a one-to-one interaction with artificial intelligence. Whether that’s through an automated chat service for customer service, or trying our hand at beating an AI built to play chess. But these experiences aren’t flawless, they’re not as smooth as our interactions with other human beings. One researc

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Amy Barrett & David Badre 18 Jan 2021 • EN

Why you can’t multitask (and why that’s a good thing)

Humans' ability to turn thoughts into actions has enabled us to change the world. But we've never been great at getting two things done at once. Understanding how our brain helps us achieve our goals through something called executive function, or cognitive control, can explain why we're so bad at multitasking. Accordi

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In the New Year issue, we cover the biggest ideas that you need to understand in 2021, and in the past few episodes of the podcast we’ve been talking to the experts who will explain these ideas in their own words. For the next in the series, we speak to Daniel Freeman, a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Universi

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Amy Barrett & James Hamblin 31 Aug 2020 • EN

James Hamblin: Should we all stop showering?

We know how important good hygiene is. It protects us from viral infections and diseases, but what if, by washing, soaping and scrubbing, we’re actually damaging our health? Dr James Hamblin, journalist and professor of public health, stopped showering five years ago. In his new book, Clean (£16.99, Bodley Head), he re

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Amy Barrett & Rana el Kaliouby 17 Aug 2020 • EN

Rana el Kaliouby: What if computers could read our emotions?

For many, the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown restrictions has isolated us from the people we love, reducing our social life to screens and Zoom meetings. But even with the added visual, communicating online still isn’t as straightforward as being in-person. It can feel like jokes fall flat when everyone has their mi

37 min
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Podcast with Amy Barrett


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