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Dave Campbell
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Dave Campbell
1 Following
17 Interviews
Dave Campbell Podcast Host and Editor with 7 active podcasts

Dave Campbell's Interviews

Episode 378 - Jon Sansone - Successful Sales is Not An Accident - Become a Sales Warrior My name is Jon Sansone (san-sew-nee) and I have  spent over 31 incredible years as a professional sales person. After leaving advertising in my early 20s, I went to work for a Fortune500 start-up where through cold calling went fro

50 min
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Episode 364 - Michelle Glogovac - How To Get on Podcasts, What you know and what you are known for Book: How to Get On Podcasts: Cultivate Your Following, Strengthen Your Message, and Grow as a Thought Leader Through Podcast Guesting The explosion of social media, AI-enabled online advertising, and the overall cacophon

40 min
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Send us a text As I sit down with the incomparable Dave Campbell, my podcasting mentor and friend, we"re popping the champagne on our 200th show – a journey that"s been nothing short of magical. Dave, a man of many passions, brings his eclectic mix of music, entrepreneurship, and his eco-conscious heart project, Upcycl

46 min
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Episode 324 - Jerry Roisentul - From Suicide Attempt to Self-Empowerment - A Story of Overcoming Doubt and FearAs a Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach, Teacher, Trainer and Speaker, I can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practi

45 min
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EPISODE 302 - Ross Hightower and Deb Heim - Partners and Co-Authors - How To Write A Great Promo Hook, Padverb, Fantasy Series Somehow, after spending most of his life in the south, Ross found himself living in Milwaukee and loving it. One cold, snowy morning, not too long ago, he woke with a story stuck in his head. T

44 min
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EPISODE 63 - Billie Kay Asmus - Repaint Studios - PAINTING A GREENER FUTURE WITH THE REPAINT TRAY Meet Billie In early 2021, I started a small business refinishing and refurbishing furniture in my tiny basement studio. I quickly noticed the constant waste I was going through with plastic paint tray liners and wasn"t ab

42 min
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Podcasts with Dave Campbell


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