Wes Kao

Wes Kao

8 Interviews

Wes Kao's Interviews

Wes Kao has worked with Seth Godin (where she co-founded the altMBA and served as executive director), David Perell on his Write of Passage course, Professor Scott Galloway on Section4, and Morning Brew. Currently, she’s the co-founder of Maven, a cohort-based learning platform where I taught my own course. Wes is pass

53 min
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George Grombacher & Wes Kao 19 Aug 2022 • EN

Cohort-Based Courses with Wes Kao

LifeBlood: We talked about cohort-based courses, the value of interactive and peer-to-peer learning, why only 6% of traditional online courses get completed, and the profound role community plays in our success and development, with Wes Kao, CoFounder of altMBA and CoFounder of Maven, the first platform for cohort-base

18 min
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Chris Do & Wes Kao 30 Mar 2022 • EN

Learning Together — with Wes Kao

Wes Kao is co-founder of Maven, a platform that helps creators build cohort-based courses. Before that, she co-founded the altMBA with acclaimed author and marketer Seth Godin. If you’re not yet familiar with them, cohort-based courses (CBCs) are a not-so-new way of learning with a group of other people. They take the

66 min
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Espree Devora & Wes Kao 21 Mar 2022 • EN

Wes Kao of Maven: Women In Tech Toronto

Don't miss out on the next #womenintech podcast episode, get notified by signing up here http://womenintechshow.com. Be featured in the Women in Tech Community by creating your profile here http://womenintechvip.com/ “Wes Kao of Maven” #womenintech Show is a WeAreTech.fm production. To support the Women in Tech podcast

50 min
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Since leaving the classroom in 2016, I've missed one aspect of teaching more than any other: connecting with students in real-time, as I teach the material. And while I love creating evergreen courses, today's guest has a better way to teach online. Wes Kao, a co-founder of both altMBA and Maven, tells us about Cohort-

56 min
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Wes Kao has a refreshing perspective on education and knows how to build systems that provide incredible learning experiences. Take a listen to see what Wes Kao thinks about the current methods that we use to educate as well how to build transformational learning experiences for students. Subscribe for ad-free intervie

64 min
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Podcasts with Wes Kao


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