Tracey Follows's Interviews
DESCRIPTION Tracey Follows, the author and podcaster of The Future of You, explains how your digital identity will evolve. Custodial or self-sovereign? Centralized or Web3? Big Brother-style surveillance capitalism or liberty? What do we mean by digital identity when there is no government-issued credential? More abo
The Discussion: ‘Your Face Belongs To Us’ with Kashmir Hill #27
Increasingly we’re using facial recognition to do everything from unlock our phone to make payments. But what might the long-term impact of giving away our facial data be? In this episode I talk to New York Times technology reporter and author of “Your Face Belongs To Us”, Kashmir Hill. We talk about the impact of fa
In this episode of The Briefing I talk with Ian Crocombe of Superheroic about the creation of TF14 (my “synthetic self”). We discuss how TF14 was made, the tools and platforms employed, and the use cases for digital representations such as this. I also talk about the launch of Worldcoin, the pros and cons of is-a-pers
The Age of Profilicity and Identity Politics with Hans-Georg Moeller and Sam Gilbert #5
Is the huge variety of social platforms and settings in which we present ourselves creating a multiplicity of our identities, demanding that we moderate our personalities? And is that such a bad thing? From the Chinese philosophy suggesting that sincerity trumps authenticity, to the future technologies ushering in an e
The Transhumanist Future of a Radical Identity with Zoltan Istvan & David Wood #3
What does it mean to be human in a society in which we can use technology to modify our bodies beyond our normal capabilities, and how does that change our sense of self? Transhumanism is a futuristic movement, and we’re joined this week by David Wood (Chair of London Futurists) and Zoltan Istvan (Founder of the Transh
Arrogance of the Elites and Our Alarming Digital Future, with Chris Arnade, David Zweig, and Tracey Follows | Ep. 240
Megyn Kelly is joined by David Zweig, journalist for The Atlantic, Chris Arnade, photographer and author of "Dignity," and Tracey Follows, futurist and author of "The Future of You," to talk about the CDC director continuing to tout a discredited, learning about "Back Row America," the arrogance and ignorance of the el
Podcasts with Tracey Follows
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