Kashmir Hill

Kashmir Hill

11 Interviews

Kashmir Hill's Interviews

Jordan Harbinger & Kashmir Hill 06 Feb 2024 • EN

948: Kashmir Hill | Is Privacy Dead in the Age of Facial Recognition?

Are the benefits of facial recognition technology worth their societal cost? Your Face Belongs to Us author Kashmir Hill weighs the pros and cons here! What We Discuss with Kashmir Hill: What is facial recognition technology, and how does it work? What are the positive use cases for facial recognition technology? How a

74 min
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Facial recognition w/Kashmir Hill, author, "Your Face Belongs to Us" Game Boy Tune - "Tomaš Dvořák" - "Mark's intro" - "Interview with Kashmir Hill" [0:03:28] - "Mark's comments" [0:45:45] Zero Wing - "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" [0:55:05] https://www.wfmu.org/playlists/shows/133428

1 min
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Deana and Natasha sit down with Kashmir Hill, author of Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup's Quest to End Privacy as We Know It. They cover the story of Clearview AI, the risks and potential benefits of AI facial recognition technology and the state of regulation surrounding this tech. They talk about how pri

35 min
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Tracey Follows & Kashmir Hill 18 Oct 2023 • EN

The Discussion: ‘Your Face Belongs To Us’ with Kashmir Hill #27

Increasingly we’re using facial recognition to do everything from unlock our phone to make payments. But what might the long-term impact of giving away our facial data be?  In this episode I talk to New York Times technology reporter and author of “Your Face Belongs To Us”, Kashmir Hill.  We talk about the impact of fa

45 min
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Nilay Patel & Kashmir Hill 17 Oct 2023 • EN

Clearview AI and the end of privacy, with author Kashmir Hill

Today, I’m talking to Kashmir Hill, a New York Times reporter whose new book, Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup’s Quest to End Privacy as We Know It, chronicles the story of Clearview AI, a company that’s built some of the most sophisticated facial recognition and search technology that’s ever existed. As Ka

61 min
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Kashmir Hill 27 Sep 2023 • EN

Episode 551: Kashmir Hill

Kashmir Hill is a tech reporter for The New York Times. Her new book is Your Face Belongs to Us: A Secretive Startup’s Quest to End Privacy as We Know It. “I often do feel like what my work is doing is preparing people for the way the world is going to change. With something like facial recognition technology, that's r

75 min
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Podcasts with Kashmir Hill


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