Tim Urban

Tim Urban

43 Interviews

Tim Urban's Interviews

Tim Urban used to hate writing because he thought it was boring. Now, he has 600,000+ newsletter subscribers, 811,000+ Twitter followers, and one of the most unforgettable (and hilarious) writing styles on the Internet. Come learn how to make your writing fun to read and fun to write. SPEAKER LINKS: Website & Newslette

71 min
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In this episode we discuss what Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking all consider the single greatest threat to humanity, why “death” is not binary event that makes you transition from being alive or dead at a specific moment in time, we ask if you would spend $1000 on a chance to live forever, we look at the biology

53 min
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Robert Glazer & Tim Urban 19 Sep 2023 • EN

Tim Urban Explains The Problem In Our Society

Tim Urban is on a mission to increase our collective ability for critical thinking. He is the founder, writer and illustrator of the popular website Wait But Why, a long form blog that regularly reaches millions of readers. He has delivered a TED Talk, “Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator,” which has been viewed

57 min
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Jordan Harbinger & Tim Urban 07 Sep 2023 • EN

892: Tim Urban | What's Our Problem (And How Do We Solve It)?

Wait But Why's Tim Urban helps us find ways to cope with the chaos of current events in his new book, What's Our Problem?: A Self-Help Book for Societies. What We Discuss with Tim Urban: Why we're so polarized and partisan in our political beliefs — seemingly more than ever before. How low-rung thinking prevails on bot

94 min
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Tim Urban 06 Sep 2023 • EN

Tim Urban

Tim Urban has spent years writing stick-figure-illustrated posts on his blog, Wait But Why. Thanks to his creative and unique way of seeing the world - and all of its issues - he has now written his first book, What’s our Problem? Gareth speaks to him about the book, and some of the compelling topics that Tim tackled i

56 min
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Francis Foster + Konstantin Kisin & Tim Urban 03 Sep 2023 • EN

How the Media Creates Delusional Tribes - Tim Urban

Tim Urban is a blogger who writes about a wide range of topics, from science and technology to psychology and philosophy. He is known for creating minimalist stick-figure illustrations to help explain complex concepts in a simple way. His musings are collected on his website, ‘Wait But Why’, and featured in his newly-r

59 min
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Podcasts with Tim Urban


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