Ron Bohmer

Ron Bohmer
2 Interviews

Ron Bohmer's Interviews

Pursuing a life in the arts is not for those who simply think of a way to earn. It can be tough, and career breakthroughs can arrive late. So why would anyone choose to become an actor, even more, be on Broadway? Steve Farber invites two Broadway legends who can answer that! In this episode, he sits down with Sandra Jo

62 min
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Laura Schein + Clayton Farris & Sandra Joseph + Ron Bohmer 02 Nov 2020 • EN


Laura and Clayton gab with Broadway legends Sandra Joseph and Ron Bohmer, stars of The Phantom of the Opera. Having performed the same show for years and years, they share their tips on how to unmask what matters and stay in the moment, life lessons that resonate for everybody. On What The Health?!: Tapping? It's not j

85 min
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Podcasts with Ron Bohmer


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