What The Func?!
What the func is Functional Medicine? How can it help you eat what your body actually needs, lose weight, and get healthy? Lower your stress level, improve your mental health, and help you thrive, mind, body, and soul? On the What the Func?! Podcast, we’re redefining HEALTHY by questioning the healthcare status quo with all the curiosity, science, and fun we can muster. Our brilliant hosts are Laura Schein, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and longtime health nut, and Clayton Farris, a former “garbage human” (his words!) who discovered this new way to heal when conventional medicine let him down. Each episode, they dig into new, trending, and sometimes controversial topics in Functional Medicine, and with the help of the doctors and changemakers who stop by to share their expertise, they discover new and better ways to be healthy, from the brain to the gut and beyond. Have a listen and join us in asking “What the Func is Functional Medicine?!” What the Func?! is created by The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. https://functionalmedicinecoaching.org
Show episodes
In episode 157, it's coffee talk with Andrew Salisbury, the founder of Purity Coffee. Andrew shares the personal story of his wife's health crisis and the motivation that led him down the Purity path. He went from being a tea-drinking Brit with a software company to uncovering the latest scientific research to optimize
In episode 156, Laura chats with Dr. Tom O'Bryan, the award-winning Sherlock Holmes of functional medicine. Dr. Tom reveals that 14 out of 15 of the leading causes of death in America are caused by one thing - inflammation. Whether suffering from arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, or undiagnosed conditions no doctors

In episode 155, Laura gabs with Taylor Lamb and Jewel Zimmer, co-founders of Juna, a leading women's wellness brand dedicated to promoting natural health and vitality. They chat about the leading principles behind Juna, including the importance of the gut/brain axis, how to optimize your microbiome, and the effectivene

In this episode Laura chats with Annie Fenn M.D., physician, chef, and author of Brain Health Kitchen: Preventing Alzheimer's Through Food, a science-based cookbook and care manual for the brain. Annie and Laura have a deep discussion about their experiences with the disease in their families, and Annie shares her wisd
In this episode we chat with Dr. Mike Belkowski, founder of BioLight. We dive into the myriad health benefits of red light therapy and the buzzy new (but actually ancient) supplement methylene blue. And ever heard of Carbon 60? We hadn't, but now we know. From skin health to gut health to brain health to sleep and immu
In this episode, Laura and Clayton chat with Lindsey Erin, founder of OWL Venice. She shares the story of how she went from making her own bone broth recipe in her apartment to becoming LA's bone broth queen. They discuss the many health benefits of bone broth and how Lindsey used it to heal her own issues, but they al