Greg Foss

Greg Foss

21 Interviews

Greg Foss's Interviews

Greg Foss, a seasoned financial markets professional, brings a wealth of knowledge to Bitcoin. With over thirty years of experience in trading high yield credit, Greg has worked on both the sell-side (TD Securities) and the buy-side, including during the 2008/09 financial crisis as the Managing Partner of a successful

44 min
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Join Marty as he sits down with Greg Foss to discuss the ongoing financial chaos. Follow Greg on Twitter Shoutout to our sponsors: Unchained Capital Braiins HodlHodl Upstream Data TFTC Merch is Available: Shop Now Join the TFTC Movement: Main YT Channel Clips YT Channel Website Twitter Instagram Follow Marty Bent: Twit

77 min
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Stephan Livera & Greg Foss 02 Aug 2022 • EN

SLP401 Greg Foss - Sell Bonds, Buy Bitcoin

Greg Foss, Bond market veteran investor, and bitcoin/macro commentator rejoins me on the show to talk about the situation with global debt, bond markets and why Bitcoin is cheap protection. We chat: US Fed Japanese debt markets The 60:40 stocks and bonds allocation and what changes Sell Bonds, Buy Bitcoin Scenarios for

61 min
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Greg Foss joins me as my first in-person guest for a discussion on how his 30-year career trading government bonds informed his thoughts on the impending failure of the fiat currency complex and, thus, the supreme relevancy of Bitcoin. Be sure to check out Swan Private, the trusted Bitcoin financial services provider f

99 min
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Peter McCormack & Greg Foss + NobodyCaribou 07 Feb 2022 • EN

Bitcoin & The Canadian Truckers with Greg Foss & NobodyCaribou

“Here’s the why, why are people gathered in Ottawa and why are people congregating in major cities in Canada, and the why is Canadians are tired of being lied to and now they’re taking responsibility to claim their freedom; it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Hispanic, Indian, Chinese, indigenous, vaccinated, unv

66 min
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Keyvan Davani & Greg Foss 17 Dec 2021 • EN


#Bitcoin #Debt #Global #Hyperinflation  #Abundance #Deflation #Freedom  Greg Foss joins me again in this mind-blowing episode to talk about, but not limited to:  -Mandatory Vaccination & Tyranny vs. Free Choice & Bitcoin -What do we really know about the EuroDollar?  -Global Debt: $ 400 Trillions & Hyperinflation  -Vol

73 min
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Podcasts with Greg Foss


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