

2 Interviews

NobodyCaribou's Interviews

BTC $ 20,311 Block Height 757,083 Today's guest in the show is @NobodyCaribou who joins me to tell us how he was raided by the Feds during the Freedom Convoy and why your feet are fucked. Why did @NobodyCaribou step up to help the Canadian truckers and distribute the #bitcoin to them? How have we all fucked up our feet

122 min
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Peter McCormack & Greg Foss + NobodyCaribou 07 Feb 2022 • EN

Bitcoin & The Canadian Truckers with Greg Foss & NobodyCaribou

“Here’s the why, why are people gathered in Ottawa and why are people congregating in major cities in Canada, and the why is Canadians are tired of being lied to and now they’re taking responsibility to claim their freedom; it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, Hispanic, Indian, Chinese, indigenous, vaccinated, unv

66 min
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Podcasts with NobodyCaribou


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