Episode 74 - Female Leadership In Unwritten Times and How Feminine Strength Is Needed Now More Than Ever
This has to be one of my favorite episodes. Today's special guest is Fabienne Fredrickson. She is an expert at helping people go from 6 figures to 7. And even if this isn't you and you're just trying to get to 10k a month, Fabienne has some great advice to get you there. She offers a free eBook on her website on just how to do this. Check it out and always, thanks for listening! Feel free to direct any questions or comments to YourUniqueSparkle@gmail.com And don't forget to stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Download a FREE eBook - 'Self Sabotage' - Reignite Your Sparkle https://designrr.site?i=jn7b&t=ad573f&f=1 Check out our online course to being the best version of yourself: https://uniquesparkle.samcart.com/products/becoming-your-true-authentic-self-course I can't wait to hear from you, Debbie Check out more on Fabienne and download a Free copy of her book at boldheart.com Overwhelmed in your business? Working long hours without further growth? Not paying yourself enough? It doesn’t have to be this way. Fabienne Fredrickson's new book, The Leveraged Business, is your blueprint for financial and personal freedom.
From "Your Unique Sparkle"
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