Episode 71 - Discovering Your Own Unique Intuitive Gifts
Today's guest Amanda Kate (Divine. Messy. Human. Author, Kinesiologist, Mentor, Life Coach Mother and more...) shares with us her inspiring story and how she has found the path to happiness. Self Care, Self Help and Self Improvement are all important and needed by everyone everyday. It is a journey into being self aware and finding out what makes you special and unique. Such great advice and so knowledgeable. If you are looking for a fresh start and courage to step out of your comfort zone and find happiness, you are going to love this episode. Thanks for listening! Feel free to direct any questions or comments to YourUniqueSparkle@gmail.com And don't forget to stay connected with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. Download a FREE Ebook - 'Self Sabotage' - Reignite Your Sparkle https://designrr.site?i=jn7b&t=ad573f&f=1 Check out our online course to being the best version of yourself: https://uniquesparkle.samcart.com/products/becoming-your-true-authentic-self-course I can't wait to hear from you, Debbie Find more about Amanda Kate: www.divinemessyhuman.com This is a link to her book. Divine. Messy. Human. This book contains the tools and techniques she discovered and used in her own healing to turn her life around from being unwell, out of alignment and miserable to happiness, vitality and connection to the Divine.
From "Your Unique Sparkle"
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