Your Biggest Challenge – PTC 529

25 Jan 2025 • 35 min • EN
35 min
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What is your biggest challenge right now? Many podcasters recently shared their answers with me. Today, I'll help you overcome your biggest challenge. OVERCOMING YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE I've often heard many podcasts fade away after 7 episodes. The industry has termed it podfading. I thought the number was a bit crazy. Then one day, I realized how true it is. A client was trying to grow her podcast. Her biggest challenge was attracting new listeners. We decided the strategy that would fit best was appearing on other podcasts. Let's get in front of her ideal clients. We opened Apple Podcasts and started searching for podcasts that matched her caregiving niche. As we combed through the podcasts, nearly every other one had only released a few episodes and the last was months or years ago. They had faded away. Podfading is real. THOSE THAT HAVE FADED I did the same exercise with another client. We opened Apple Podcasts and searched "Get Untuck". Here is what we found. Even many of the top recommended podcasts have faded away, though with more episodes. These are listed in order that Apple Podcasts recommended them. Get Unstuck with Murielle Marie. 23 episodes last published 7/24/23. Get Unstuck Today by Paul Salter. 47 episodes last published 7/14/24. How To Get Unstuck with Helen Thomas. 19 episodes last published 5/28/24. Get Unstuck & On Target by Mike O'Neill. 203 episodes last published 2 days ago. Get Unstuck. Move Forward With Your Life by Jason Hopcus. 12 episodes last published 4 days ago. Get Unstuck by Becky Branton-Griemann. 48 episodes last published 4/20/22. Get Unstuck by Mutita Panmook. 245 episodes last published 1 day ago. Get Unstuck: Elite Voices Making An Impact by Maiken Kuhl. 31 episodes last published 12/13/24. Get Unstuck with Michele Lefler. 53 episodes last published 10/17/23. You get the idea that most of them fade away. But you're saying, "Erik, these all have 40 or 50 episodes." The next recommended podcast is Get Unstuck & Go by Rodrigo Labra. 4 episodes published last published 2/14/23. Then there is Unstuck With Me by Barbara Jebet. One episode published 5/7/20. Get Unstuck & Find Clarity by Lysia Nathanya. 2 episodes last published 10/10/19. Get Yourself Unstuck by Andrew Eaton – 3 episodes last published 3/27/20. And it goes on and on. YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGES IS USUALLY ONE OF THESE THREE Most podcasts fade away due to three big challenges. First, the podcast becomes more work than they thought it would be. To overcome this challenge, you need a process in place to consistently produce your show. Next, podcasts fade away because it doesn't grow as fast as they thought it would. You need a system in place to methodically grow your audience. Finally, podcasts fade away because it doesn't generate money as fast as they thought it would. Most lack a strategy to generate revenue with their show. I imagine your biggest challenge has something to do with one of these three. Let's look at the biggest challenge from each of these listeners and see how we can overcome your hurdles.   APPEARANCES INTO CASH The most significant challenge I face with podcasts is turning my appearances into cash. While I deeply value the opportunity to share my story and connect with new audiences, I want to better leverage these appearances to generate tangible income, whether through promoting my books, courses, or speaking engagements. Balancing that monetization goal while maintaining authenticity and value for the audience is a priority for me. -Sheldon Thanks for the question, Sheldon. You can maintain your authenticity and value by serving first. Brendon Burchard once said one of the reasons you're not making money is that you don't seek to help first. If you are using your podcast appearance to help listeners first, it is your obligation to offer to help them go even further by working with you. You can only teach so much in an interview. Help them clearly see what is possible. You can even point them in the right direction. Then, offer to help them implement it. Begin by creating a strategy for your interviews. Start with the end in mind. Where do you want to take them? When I'm interviewed, my goal is to get people to a sales video that will sell my program to help people launch their podcast. The video shows people how to walk through the 21 steps to launch. Then, the video offers the course to implement the checklist. During the interview, I help people see how easy it is to launch the podcast. We talk about the benefits of having a podcast. I help listeners envision having their own podcast and growing their significance in their niche. The interview is about inspiration and clarity. At the end of the interview, I invite people to get my podcast launch minicourse at They opt in and get on my list. Then they get access to the 21-point checklist and a video that walks them through it. After going through the 5-minute video, they are invited to a call with me to answer their questions. Finally, I ask if they would like help implementing the plan. It's all about having a strategy and begin by serving people first.   SHOULD I START My biggest challenge is to decide whether to start a podcast or just groom and promote myself as a guest on existing podcasts. I am leaning toward the latter as I am uniquely prepared to bring help, hope and healing to a huge, constantly-growing, group of pain-filled people. On the other hand, I am tech averse and doubt I have inclination, time, skill, or energy to take on development of an adequate self-conducted podcast. -Dale These are two separate strategies. Appear on other podcasts to get discovered and attract new followers. Have your own podcast to build relationships with your followers. When you have your own podcast, you get to have a conversation with your listeners every week. You get to share your story and let them get to love you. Creating a podcast isn't that difficult. Editing audio is like editing a Word document. Copy, cut, paste, delete. All the same commands. Saving it as an .mp3 is like exporting that Word document as a .pdf. If you can upload a photo to Facebook, you can upload audio to your host. After your podcast is set up, that's about all it takes each week. To get help walking through the process, join my for the free podcast launch workshop. Get the details at   FINDING NEW AUDIENCES My biggest challenge is reaching new audiences. -Jeanette I have found the best way to grow my audience is partnering with others. Find people who are speaking to your ideal clients. Then, partner with them to reach more of your ideal clients. I recently had a former client reach out. She saw me speak on a group call about the power of getting interviewed on other shows. She called to say she is ready to relaunch her podcast. On top of that, she is partnering with another expert to launch a joint venture and would like my help. This is the power of partnering with others. You never know who is in the audience.   MY BIGGEST CHALLENGE IS MY AGE I am 73, so not a spring chicken by any stretch of the imagination, but dumb as a post when it comes to technology. I would very much like to have my own podcast for my business that I am trying to get off the ground, but tech stuff bites me every time. I already have people interested in what I do, and I have had offers to be an affiliate, but I don't know how to set that up on my WordPress site. -Marilyn Start slowly, Marilyn. If you already have others interested in what you offer, sell it before you build it. If you can get 10 or 12 people to invest in a $500 course you teach live over 6 weeks, you can make a quick $5,000. This is what I did. I found multiple people who wanted to grow their audience. During conversations with each of them, I offered to teach them how in a 6-week course. They each paid me $500 before it even started. I recorded the entire program. That became my course. The $5,000 funded my other projects to find more clients. As I mentioned with Dale, the tech isn't that difficult. Plus, you can also find people to help you produce the show once you begin generating revenue with the course you just built. You don't need to build a big affiliate program on your Wordpress site until you have something that sells. Just get started.   GETTING GUESTS My biggest challenge right now is getting consistent guests in my niche. -Greg Getting guests typically isn't very difficult. The biggest challenge is asking often. Not every invite will accept your invitation. Just keep asking. When you land a guest, ask them for referrals. If they have guest ideas for you, ask them to send an introductory email. The best chance of getting a guest is finding someone who has something to promote. That could be a book, program, organization or a variety of other things. Reach out to potential guests on a regular basis. Put it on your calendar and do it often. You'll find success.   PARTNERS My biggest trouble is connecting with other podcasters to grow my podcast. As you know, many podcasts podfade and I’m finding that to be very true. Many of the podcast I’d love to connect with when I look them up have stopped producing months ago. I would like help in finding the best podcasts I can connect with. -Edwin Don't limit your options to only experts in your niche. Find anyone who speaks to your ideal clients. One of my clients is an accountant. His ideal clients are entrepreneurs. When he looks for partners, he isn't only looking for other accountants or even experts in the financial space. He is finding partners by looking for experts speaking to entrepreneurs. I could be a partner for him, because my audience if full of entrepreneurs. This client could partner with funnel experts, mindset coaches, social media marketing pros, or a variety of other influencers. Don't limit your scope. Find people speaking to your ideal clients. When you find a great partner, ask for referrals. Get them to introduce you to others. Once you get the wheel turning, you'll gain momentum. Have fun with it.   YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE I would love to help you with your biggest challenge. Email your question or biggest challenge to You can also get an hour of my coaching to build your podcast strategy. You can apply for that call at

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