You Should Be Taking More Risks. Here’s How To Get Over Your Fear And Do It. | Sue Ashford
How to reduce perfectionism and boost confidence so you can be more effective in every area of your life. Susan (Sue) Ashford is an award-winning scholar and Professor at the University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business. Her passion for helping people to be maximally effective in their work lives has driven her teaching and research work on self-management, proactivity, change from below, and leadership and its development. This episode is part of our ongoing Sanely Ambitious series. In this episode we talk about: The concept of “flexing” The pernicious role of fear and anxiety The crucial difference between a performance mindset and a learning mindset Practical tools for changing your mindset What it means to unleash your inner scientist The importance of getting feedback (and why some people struggle asking for it) The concept of re-storying (reframing negative perspectives) Why we should savor successes How to be interpersonally successful And much more Sign up for Dan’s newsletter here Follow Dan on social: Instagram, TikTok Ten Percent Happier online bookstore Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Our favorite playlists on: Anxiety, Sleep, Relationships, Most Popular Episodes Additional Resources: The Power of Flexing Ari Weinzweig Reboot by Jerry Colonna Ego Free Leadership
From "10% Happier with Dan Harris"
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