You Made Partner—Now What? How to Succeed in Your New Role
Making partner at your firm is a significant milestone, but successfully transitioning from associate or counsel to partner isn’t automatic. It requires a mindset shift, strategic planning, and the development of new skills to ensure long-term success. In this episode of The Lawyer’s Edge podcast, Elise Holtzman shares six actionable tips to help you navigate this pivotal career transition. She discusses how to embrace your new leadership role, manage the responsibilities of partnership, and position yourself for success. Whether you’ve recently been promoted, are preparing for the next step, or are simply curious about what partnership entails, this episode offers valuable insights you won’t want to miss. WHAT’S COVERED IN THIS EPISODE ABOUT WHAT TO DO AFTER YOU MAKE PARTNER 3:27 – Why understanding your compensation structure is crucial after making partner 5:31 – The fundamental shift in your role as a partner—and how to prepare for it 7:40 – A critical step to take immediately to set yourself up for success 10:50 – The essential mindset shift from service provider to business owner 14:52 – How to manage new time commitments and proactively master time management 19:47 – Why understanding your firm’s revenue model is vital for your long-term success 22:26 – How to develop leadership and business development skills to excel in your new role MENTIONED IN YOU MADE PARTNER—NOW WHAT? HOW TO SUCCEED IN YOUR NEW ROLE Smart Collaboration: How Professionals and Their Firms Succeed by Breaking Down Silos by Dr. Heidi Gardner Smart Collaboration | How Law Firms Can Increase Revenues, Grow Client Loyalty, and Improve Diversity How to Cultivate a Business Development Mindset 3 Essential Pillars of Business Development For Lawyers Get Connected with The Coaching Team at hello@thelawyersedge.com The Lawyer’s Edge SPONSOR FOR THIS EPISODE… Today’s episode is brought to you by the Ignite Women’s Business Development Accelerator, a 9-month business development program created BY women lawyers for women lawyers. Ignite is a carefully designed business development program containing content, coaching, and a community of like-minded women who are committed to becoming rainmakers AND supporting the retention and advancement of other women in the profession. Early Bird Registration is now underway for our 2025 Ignite cohorts. If you are interested in either participating in the program or sponsoring a woman in your firm to enroll, learn more about Ignite and sign up for our registration alerts by visiting www.thelawyersedge.com/ignite.
From "The Lawyer's Edge"
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