106: Central Banks Are Out of Time - RESET is Coming! Lynette Zang
Jason Hartman welcomes Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading. We are at the end of this current monetary experiment! Central banks are out of tools and out of time. Are we headed into a hyperinflationary depression? The system is already shifting and will have to be reset - we just need a big enough crisis to get everybody on board… 0:55 Welcome Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst for ITM Trading 2:09 Valuing Gold and crypto 4:22 Moving property and equity into the digital universe 5:24 What do you think the real rate of inflation is? 7:52 Inflation is a wealth transfer from the poor to the rich 10:09 Democracies such as Canada have gotten heavy handed 11:21 Modern monetary theory and central bank digital currencies 13:37 The Federal Reserve is out of tools 16:14 Purchasing power chart of the consumer dollar 17:58 Nixon closed the gold window on August 15 of 1971 and in that same era, he took a historic trip to China 20:03 Correlation between recessions and interest rates 22:50 Will the Fed continue to raise interest rates? 25:14 Nothing left for the Fed to do: the end is near 27:01 Is the reserve currency coming to an end? 29:19 A big strong middle class is what makes a country stable 31:12 Is gold insurance or an investment? 32:50 The number one product of any government and any central bank is its currency 33:57 Gold coins vs gold bullion 38:53 Learn more at ITM trading.com Follow Jason on TWITTER, INSTAGRAM & LINKEDIN Twitter.com/JasonHartmanROI Instagram.com/jasonhartman1/ Linkedin.com/in/jasonhartmaninvestor/ Learn More: JasonHartman.com Get wholesale real estate deals for investment or build a great business – Free course: JasonHartman.com/Deals Free White Paper on The Hartman Comparison Index™: HartmanIndex.com/white-paper Free Report on Pandemic Investing: PandemicInvesting.com Jason’s TV Clips in Vimeo Free Class: CYA Protect Your Assets, Save Taxes & Estate Planning: JasonHartman.com/Protect Special Offer from Ron LeGrand: JasonHartman.com/Ron What do Jason’s clients say? JasonHartmanTestimonials.com Contact our Investment Counselors at: www.JasonHartman.com Watch, subscribe and comment on Jason’s videos on his official YouTube channel: YouTube.com/c/JasonHartmanRealEstate/videos Guided Visualization for Investors: JasonHartman.com/visualization Jason’s videos in his other sites: JasonHartman.com/Rumble JasonHartman.com/Bitchute JasonHartman.com/Odysee Jason Hartman’s Extra YouTube Channel Jason Hartman’s Real Estate News and Technology (RENT) YouTube Channel
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