86: Nominal Confusion, FedNow, Capital Formation, and Dynastic Wealth, Lynette Zang
Jason Hartman interviews Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, about everything monetary policy. Opening with one of Lynette’s favorite charts shared from the FRED, Federal Reserve Education Department, Lynette, and Jason guide us through a discussion to clear up nominal confusion. Zang shares recent developments with FedNow and how this will affect the individual. Jason asks Lynette what she recommends we should do to protect ourselves? Lynette expresses her confidence in gold and why this is one of the three central pillars of dynastic wealth. As well, Jason and Lynette discuss inflation, the how and why of its existence, and how it’s controlled. Key Takeaways: [2:30] Looking at one of Lynette’s favorite charts from the FRED, Federal Reserve Education Department. [3:45] Fiat literal translation: government decree. [6:00] Nominal confusion; ‘they’ knew that people do not understand inflation and that they marry the legal money of the state because inflation causes nominal confusion. [9:00] What is a total financial reset? [11:10] The FedNow is about you, the individual, having an account directly linked to the Federal Reserve. [13:45] The basis of wealth is capital formation. You’ve got to save in order to invest. [19:00] What is Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance? [27:00] Whenever you hear the term nominal, you must understand that the truth is being hidden. [28:30] What should we be doing to protect ourselves? [29:10] Dynastic wealth is real estate, rare metals, and gold money. [31:40] Gold acts as wealth storage, holding its value over time. [33:55] Inflation is an invisible way for the government to tax you more. [35:40] Real estate inside of a reset faces two issues. [37:30] There is almost no such thing as a free and clear property? [43:30] How do negative interest rates work/exist? [51:40] What does it mean when the LIBOR goes away? Websites: ITMTrading.com PandemicInvesting.com JasonHartman.com/Ask JasonHartman.com/Start JasonHartman.com/Recordings JasonHartman.com/Asset JasonHartman.com/Webinar JasonHartman.com JasonHartman.com/properties Jason Hartman Quick Start Jason Hartman PropertyCast (Libsyn) Jason Hartman PropertyCast (iTunes) 1-800-HARTMAN
From "Women Investing Network Podcast"
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