18 min
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According to a recent Jobsite survey respect is the number one issue named by women in the construction industry with most explaining that lack of respect shows up as not being heard. If you are in or adjacent to the AEC industry, and you are a woman, you can probably relate. Let's stop being available for this tired trope. When disrespect becomes a pattern, you can start to  assume negative intentions and carry a lot of anger and resentment around. Feeling unheard either leads you to withdraw or be more aggressive. That aggressiveness then gets labeled as being too emotional, drowning out the substance of what you are saying in a tired narrative. Engage your audience by asking questions and providing information cliffhangers. Invite others to share their thoughts about what you said so that they process it in the moment. Accept that as a leader, you need to be clear and take those that resonate along with you. Leave behind those that don't. Learn more when you sign up for the Leadership Challenge at the special rate of $30. https://architectingpodcast.com/index.php/leadershipchallenge/ Want to learn more about design for well being? Check our the Space Doctor Series on my YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbiPGjyBqQOIf56hhvVCYtBKfCyfaQVEz Give Architecting a Google review- be sure to name the episode! https://g.page/r/CVYGVmEtsUjdEAI/review Stay Inspired, Angela Join the architecting community: YouTube, Instagram,  LinkedIn, Clubhouse, Facebook Interested in sponsoring a show or having me as a guest on your podcast or community? Stop here to get information. Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

From "ARCHITECTING Podcast - Career + Lifestyle Mentoring for Architects looking to move beyond overwhelm and make a difference through design"

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