Winning the Battle Over Author Burnout with Caitee Cooper
In this episode, I talk about our new flock of chickens and how we are starting to get eggs from them in a very timely fashion. I explain more about buying a lot of hay in advance and taking the time to organize and stack it. I also walk through my new publishing schedule, how I've planned it out (against my normal process) so I can puslish a book every six months consistently. With Caitee, we go into the history of her authoring and life journey and how she's had to learn and implement coping skills for burnout amidst the troubles and chaos of life. We go over different strategies and considerations for winning against burnout before it can even become a problem for you. SHOW NOTES: Find out more about Caitee and her books at Try ProWriting Aid to improve your work! - SUPPORT ME OR THE SHOW: #writing #fantasy #interview #podcast #podcasting #podcasts #writing #writingadvice #writingcommunity #writers #author #authortube #panel #books #literature #reading #read #advice
From "The Casual Author"
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