Why Your Dreams Matter, How To Discover Your Purpose & The Question That Many Of Us Ignore At Our Peril with Dr James Hollis #540
Did you know that we spend six entire years of our lives dreaming? According to this week's guest, these dreams carry vital messages from our deepest selves that most of us never hear. James Hollis, PhD was originally a Professor of Literature and Philosophy at various universities until mid-life when he retrained as a Psycho-Analyst at the Jung Institute in Zurich. He currently lives and teaches in Washington, D.C. and is the author of twenty books, including his latest: Living with Borrowed Dust: Reflections on Life, Love and Other Grievances. In this conversation, James explains the important difference between purpose and meaning, and shares how his own midlife depression at the age of 35 was a pivotal moment that caused him to confront the harsh reality that despite "doing all the right things," he wasn't living true to himself. We explore the purpose of dreams and what vital messages are contained within them, why so many of us end up living our lives by other people's rules - trying to please family, fit cultural norms, or climb career ladders - and James explains that, whilst this approach might help us get by at first, it often leads to burnout, depression, and, ill health. James also introduces us to his thought provoking “second half of life” concept - not a chronological age but a psychological shift, when we start questioning who it is that we really are. At nearly 85 years old and still seeing clients three days a week, James is full of clarity, perspective and wisdom. And I’m sure this conversation will leave you feeling inspired and motivated to live a more authentic life. Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com. Thanks to our sponsors: https://vivobarefoot.com/livemore https://drinkag1.com/livemore Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/540 DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.
From "Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee"
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