What It’s Actually Costing You When You Don’t Charge What You’re Worth

29 Feb 2024 • 16 min • EN
16 min
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Stop letting poor money mindset hold you back from making the impact you’re meant to make! In this episode, I share some tough love about valuing your worth and experience. Too many of us entrepreneurs are charging pennies for our life's work, and it's time to change that mindset. I'll tell you about my journey through different jobs and how each one taught me valuable skills. I'll also give you strategies to overcome limiting beliefs around money and truly embrace the value you bring to the table.  02:30 Stop charging pennies and charge what you really want! 08:15 All the jobs I’ve worked over the years and how it all added to my experience. 14:15 How to know if you are charging appropriately. Links + Resources: Get executive coaching with Cayla Craft! - Submit Here! Increase your INCOME, PORTFOLIO, and IMPACT! https://caylacraft.com/ Check out the program to Rewire YOU for Business & take your business to the next level! Caylacraftpodcast.com CONNECT WITH  CAYLA! Follow Cayla on Instagram @cayla.craft Website https://caylacraft.com/ Watch + Subscribe on YouTube - Cayla Craft

From "CRAFTED Millionaire"

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