In this episode, I share my passion for understanding my clients' goals beyond just the numbers. Inspired by a podcast from Mike King, I dive into the five drivers of behavior: goals, dreams, aspirations, fears, and uncertainties. Join me as I explain how these drivers influence business decisions and why it's essential for financial advisors to acknowledge them fully. Discover how you can enhance your relationship with financial advisors by openly discussing your personal and professional aspirations. This episode aims to inspire and equip you to take actionable steps towards achieving your business and personal goals. What You'll hear in this episode: [00:50] Understanding Client Goals [02:00] The Five Drivers of Behavior [05:10] Addressing Fears and Uncertainties [07:20] Tailoring Services to Client Needs If you like this episode, check out: Who Do I Ask? Don't Make This Huge Mistake with Goal Setting How to Recognize Financial Fear and Defeat It with Justin Buonomo Check out The CFO Accelerator: https://www.thecfoaccelerator.com/ Want to learn more so you can earn more? Visit keepwhatyouearn.com to dive deeper on our episodes Visit keepwhatyouearncfo.com to work with Shannon and her team Watch this episode and more here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMlIuZsrllp1Uc_MlhriLvQ Connect with Shannon on IG: https://www.instagram.com/shannonkweinstein/ The information contained in this podcast is intended for educational purposes only and is not individual tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional before implementing anything you learn.
From "Keep What You Earn"
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