The Do-It-Yourself Retirement System Isn’t Working. Retirement Pro Teresa Ghilarducci Has Solutions
The retirement crisis is real. 40% of older, middle-class workers and their spouses will fall into poverty or near poverty in retirement. Economist and retirement expert Teresa Ghilarducci says the U.S.’ 40-year experiment with do-it-yourself retirement is seriously flawed, but there are ways to fix it. More info at WEALTHTRACK WEALTHTRACK WOMEN is featuring women who are making a difference in business and finance during Women’s History Month. Join us for career advice from three successful women entrepreneurs including S’well’s Sarah Kauss. Pension expert Teresa Ghilarducci provides timely retirement solutions. Award-winning wealth advisor Karen Altfest explains her women-centric approach. More WEALTHTRACK WOMEN here. While your local public television station holds its fundraising drives on weekends, WEALTHTRACK is focusing on new topics for our podcasts to help you improve your portfolios and finances.
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