We've got some real bite with Interview with the Vampire (Peculiar Movie Club)
Welcome to the Peculiar Movie Club, a bonus podcast linked to our main show the Peculiar Book Club through common themes in media. This week, in honor of the book Bite, we are doing the 1994 horror/romance film Interview with the Vampire Join Davey Berris and Darren Cross as they take a deep dive into this 90's classic. We'll discuss the themes of morality, vampire nihilism, and how great Kirsten Dunst was as a child actor and Tom Cruise was as a villian. Website: https://brandyschillace.com/peculiar/ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ixJJ2Y Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeculiarBookClub/membership Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@PeculiarBookClub/streams Twitter: @peculiarBC Facebook: facebook.com/groups/peculiarbooksclub Instagram: @thepeculiarbookclub
From "Peculiar Book Club Podcast"
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