We're on the case with An Inspector Calls (Peculiar Movie Club)
Welcome to the Peculiar Movie Club, a bonus podcast linked to our main show the Peculiar Book Club through common themes in media. This week, in honor of The Framed Women of Ardemore House, we are doing the 2015 BBC One made-for-tv adaptation of An Inspector Calls. Join Davey Berris and Darren Cross as they take a deep dive into this British Thriller. We'll discuss the themes of Capitalism vs. Socialism, the ominous warning of the story, and all the twists and turns along the way. Website: https://brandyschillace.com/peculiar/ Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ixJJ2Y Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeculiarBookClub/membership Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@PeculiarBookClub/streams Twitter: @peculiarBC Facebook: facebook.com/groups/peculiarbooksclub Instagram: @thepeculiarbookclub
From "Peculiar Book Club Podcast"
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