We get nothing if we don't ask - Tamera Norwood, Childrens author S5 EPS1
Tamera Norwood is a children's author, librarian, and a former retail real estate executive. When others might have been planning retirement, Tamera reinvented her life to follow an old passion: writing. Through studies in Mindfulness and the ethics of yoga, she overcame imposter syndrome and the fear that publication had long passed her by. Her first book, a children’s book titled There’s Good All Around, is a gentle book for rough times. It reminds the young reader that even when times are hard, there is still good to be found all around us. Tamera’s book was released in 2021 after she turned 60, and announcements for more launch dates are coming soon. As soon as she learned to read, she wrote and illustrated stories for her family. She wanted to be a writer, a ballerina, an artist, and a librarian. Two of those things came true! When she’s not dreaming up stories for young people, you’ll find her working in libraries, practicing yoga, reading outdoors, and loving on her two cats and a dog. Website: https://www.tameranorwood.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TameraNorwoodBooks Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tamera.norwood/ Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/theres-good-all-around-tamera-norwood/1140140918?ean=9781947408333 Bookshop: https://bookshop.org/search?keywords=There%27s%20Good%20All%20Around Amazon: https://amzn.to/4hDKW7t Learn more about your host, Kim Lengling www.kimlenglingauthor.com Don't forget to subscribe!
From "Let Fear Bounce - Tossing out nuggets of hope"
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