An inspiring interview with former heavyweight boxer Ed Latimore
Ed Latimore has an incredible story. He overcame substantial obstacles to become a professional heavyweight boxer. Now, Ed is a full-time motivational writer and coach. Today, he shares how he fought to the top. This is an amazing interview you don’t want to miss. [3:14] Then, Daniel and I discuss the markets hitting all-time highs… the tailwinds investors can expect from here... and why assets could soar from today’s levels. Plus, how the Biden Administration’s appointees will impact everything from gold to bitcoin and stocks. And some fun facts about the Thanksgiving holiday. [44:42] -------------------------------- Enjoyed this episode? Get Wall Street Unplugged delivered FREE to your inbox every Wednesday: https://www.curzioresearch.com/wall-street-unplugged/ -------------------------------- Wall Street Unplugged podcast is available at: --: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wall-street-unplugged-frank/ -- : https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/curzio-research/wall-street-unplugged-2 -- : https://www.curzioresearch.com/category/podcast/wall-street-unplugged/ : https://twitter.com/frankcurzio :. https://www.facebook.com/CurzioResearch/ : https://www.linkedin.com/in/frank-curzio-690561a7/ : https://www.curzioresearch.com
From "Wall Street Unplugged - What's Really Moving These Markets"
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