VI4P - Comparison, Judgement, and Choosing Confidence (Chapter 9)

05 Feb 2024 • 28 min • EN
28 min
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Click here to get your FREE Confidence Building Workbook or visit  Every Monday I’m bringing a chapter of Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat The Confidence Con) to life!  This week we go through Chapter 9 on Comparison & Judgment (pages 21-23 in the workbook) and Choosing Confidence (pages 33-34 in the workbook).  Here’s what you can expect: I acknowledge how easy it is to fall into the comparison trap and how judgment is its trusty sidekick Using social media as an example, I talk about how it’s the equivalent of mental junk food, and how it’s hurting our confidence The antidote to comparison and judgment gets revealed - it’s simple, but will require practice! I share 4 tips for choosing confidence that works for me and many, many others, including creating your own Recovery Plan (pages 37 - 40 in the workbook). For a FREE guide to design your own Recovery Plan, visit Like what you heard? Please rate and review

From "This Is Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil"

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