Ep 64 | UTOKing with John Vervaeke | Consilience, Wisdom, and Fellowship in Philosophia
In this UTOKing with Gregg, John Vervaeke returns to the program, and they share the developments in their work. John’s major effort has been focused on developing the After Socrates series, which Gregg has been following. Gregg shares the beauty he has seen in watching the series, and how he found the way John framed After Socrates to be illuminating and inspiring. In addition, Gregg explains why he found the connection between the “dialectic into dialogos” and participatory knowing that John highlights to be profound. Gregg’s major achievement has been the release of his book, A New Synthesis for Solving the Problem of Psychology: Addressing the Enlightenment Gap. John shares why he found the book to be so inspiring and important. Specifically, he shared how it lays out a plausible, intelligible account for understanding the mental across virtually all domains, and thus achieves what he calls a “synoptic integrative” view of psychology. He reiterates what he said in his review of the book, which is that he sees Gregg as a kind of modern day Aristotle who is generating a taxonomy and metatheory that can revolutionize psychology. In addition, two upcoming events. First, they discussed the upcoming conference that Gregg is organizing and for which John will give a keynote address. Called Consilience: Unifying knowledge and Orienting Toward a Wisdom Commons, it will be held March 17-18th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Eastern. It will consist of over 45 presentations, and will be free to the public. Finally, they discussed the plans for the next cognitive science show series, Transcendent Naturalism, where they will work to show how their joint visions can provide a naturalistic framework for orienting toward the transcendent and thus provide the groundwork a new “religio” for the 21st Century. - - - ℹ️ Find out more about John Vervaeke ℹ️ - - - John's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpqDUjTsof-kTNpnyWper_Q John's Facebook is here: https://www.facebook.com/VervaekeJohn - - - ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ - - - Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx - - - 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 - - - Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
From "UTOKing with Gregg"
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