Ep 67 | UTOKing with Howard Bloom | The Blooming Universe
In episode 67, Gregg welcomes Howard Bloom. Howard is a polymath who has lived an amazing life. He was a music publicist in the 1970s and 1980s for singers such as Prince, Billy Joel, and Michael Jackson. He has published six books, including an autobiography, How I Accidentally Started the Sixties, and three books on human evolution and group behavior: The Genius of the Beast, Global Brain, and The Lucifer Principle. Howard was always fascinated by science and developed a rich framework for understanding the world. In this episode, Howard recounts his amazing biography, and he and Gregg show how their respective theories line up. In particular, Howard’s vision of a “blooming universe” is deeply aligned with the Tree of Knowledge System. - - - ℹ️ Find out more about Howard Bloom ℹ️ - - - Homepage: https://www.howardbloom.net/ Substack: https://howardxbloom.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=substack_profile Twitter: https://twitter.com/howardxbloom - - - ℹ️ Find out more about Gregg Henriques ℹ️ - - - Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/gregg-henriques-phd Medium: https://gregghenriques.medium.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/henriqgx - - - 🌳 The Unified Theory of Knowledge 🌳 - - - Homepage: https://www.unifiedtheoryofknowledge.org/ Medium: https://medium.com/unified-theory-of-knowledge Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_knowledge_system
From "UTOKing with Gregg"
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