Using Your IP as a Saleable Asset with Erin Austin

04 May 2022 • 36 min • EN
36 min
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Did you know you could be sitting on a goldmine in your business? Your intellectual property, or IP, has the potential to be its own income stream without you having to market it! It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. In this episode, I talk with Erin Austin who’s an expert at helping entrepreneurs package and sell their brilliance. You might have a framework or methodology that could be sold in a variety of other formats to bring you more revenue. And it’s possible to sell an entire business if you set things up the right way. I learned so much in this episode and I know you will too. So even if you aren’t looking into this right now, I suggest listening to get your mind going with ideas of what’s possible in the future. Links: Plan for Profit: Erin’s Website: LinkedIn:

From "The Sell it, Sister! Podcast"

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