Unabridged Interview: Nancy French

07 Mar 2025 • 65 min • EN
65 min
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This is our unabridged interview with Nancy French.  Nancy French has spent her career helping others tell their stories. As a five-time New York Times bestselling ghostwriter, she has worked with prominent conservatives, celebrities, and political figures. But in her new memoir, Ghosted: An American Story, Nancy turns the pen on herself, recounting her own journey through faith, politics, and personal betrayal.  A lifelong conservative, Nancy never expected that standing against Donald Trump would lead to ostracism from her own community. Nor did she foresee how uncovering systemic abuse at a major Christian camp would result in personal vitriol toward her. In this deeply honest conversation, Nancy and Lee discuss the personal cost of truth-telling, the cultural divide in America, and how faith can persist even amid profound disappointment.  Show Notes  Resources:  Ghosted: An American Story by Nancy French  David French’s NYT column  USA Today article: Kanakuk Abuse Investigation  Gretchen Carlson’s work on NDAs, workplace harassment  No More  SAMHSA    Similar NSE episodes:  David French & Russell Moore: How Should Christians Do Politics  Taking the Beatitudes Seriously: John Dear  Kristin Du Mez sits with David French   PDF of Lee's Interview Notes  Transcript  Want more NSE? JOIN NSE+ Today! Our subscriber only community with bonus episodes designed specifically to help you live a good life, ad-free listening, and discounts on live shows  Subscribe to episodes: Apple | Spotify | Amazon | Google | YouTube Follow Us: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube Follow Lee: Instagram | Twitter Join our Email List: nosmallendeavor.com  See Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy  Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: Tokens Media, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to prov… Learn about your ad choices: dovetail.prx.org/ad-choices

From "No Small Endeavor with Lee C. Camp"

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