16: Architecture Content Creators w/ Rishabh Wadhwa
In this episode, I speak with Rishabh Wadhwa, creator of the popular architecture YouTube channel BlessedArch. Rishabh and I speak about the challenges in running social media platforms as students & architects. We openly spoke about how much money YouTubers/influencers can actually make. We also discussed ways in which people can drastically improve their career opportunities by being active on Instagram and YouTube. BlessedArch: "From Cities to the device you are using to view this, everything has design behind it and I am trying to uncover it. On this channel you will find everything design related, unearthing how things are made, understanding their structure, analyzing their core ideas. Find yourself immersed in the world of design and the process behind it." You can tune in to the Two Worlds Design podcast on all major streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and more here: https://twoworldsdesign.co.uk
From "Two Worlds Design"
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