09 - Razib Khan - Caste, Colour, Geography and Genes
2:06 What genetics can tell us about ancient and more recent Indian history 12:37 Caste and genetics 22:14 Hindu ethnonationalists and the out of India theory 29:21 How conflicts between different peoples can lead to the development of mythologies 40:56 The Indus Valley civilisation and its conflicts with other groups 45:39 Barbarians and citizens, tribes and states 53:21 The caste system 1:12:55 Skin colour 1:49:24 Telling people apart 1:52:50 Colouring more generally 2:04:27 Growing up straddling two cultures 2:10:29 Political tribalism Follow Razib on Twitter: @razibkhan. You can also read his blog here: https://www.gnxp.com/ . And follow his podcast at https://insitome.libsyn.com/ . Further References Al Biruni’s India, edited and translated Edward C. Sachau (1910): https://archive.org/details/alberunisindia_201612 Episodes on India from the podcast The Insight: https://insitome.libsyn.com/the-indo-european-enigma and https://insitome.libsyn.com/ani-asi-ivc-and-the-gentics-ofindia Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion (2006) For my thoughts on the casting of Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury, see: https://areomagazine.com/2018/11/11/a-persian-popinjay-a-review-of-the-film-bohemian-rhapsody/
From "Two for Tea Podcast"
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